You could do the same things everyday, but diabetes won’t do the same things everyday.
& that is what makes this disease so challenging.
So many different factors affect our blood glucose levels on a daily basis, such as... Sleep, Illnesses, Stress, Dawn Phenomenon, Hormones, Periods, Carbohydrate quantity, Carbohydrate type, Fat, Protein, Caffeine, Alcohol, Meal timing, Dehydration, Medication, Exercise, Time of day, Stress, Altitude, Outside temperature, Smoking, Puberty... The list goes on.
So if you’re sat there thinking “but I did the same as I did yesterday, I ate exactly the same as I did yesterday & gave the same amount of insulin, but my levels aren’t the same as yesterday” it’s because everyday is different & what worked yesterday, probably won’t work out the same today.
That’s why there’s no rule book for diabetes.
That’s why it’s so complex.
Our needs are all different, our bodies are all different & you need to learn what works for you & what doesn’t.